Wednesday, 13 June 2012

DIY Art Project

This is my first post; hope you like it!
My boyfriend and I rent the upper level of a house in Calgary, Alberta. Until we are home owners, we have the challenge of making each rental feel like a home. Decorating each space can be expensive, as it's hard to customize decor when you don't have much choice in wall colour, flooring, etc. Instead of buying art and wall coverings to match each place, I've decided to make my own. We headed to Walmart and bought some cheap supplies to help spruce up the bland dining room walls. If the colours and design don't work with the next rental, I will simply repaint the canvases white and make something new.
The following is a quick tutorial on how you can do this yourself!

Happy painting!!
First, head on down to Walmart or any craft store (like Michael's), and pick up your supplies...

Paint--$2 per bottle
Canvases--$15 for two (18x24) 

These were the paint colours I chose:

Cover your space (a garbage bag works) and lay out your canvases:

Start taping off a design with your painter's tape--I lined up my canvases and made sure all my lines extended across both surfaces.

Make sure your tape wraps all the way around the edge of the canvas--you'll be painting the sides as well!

Get tape-happy! I like the geometric style, but my next project will incorporate a few straight lines :)

Start painting! Decide what colour you want to be most dominant, and where you'll place the accent colours (Or do what you like! Use that artistic license!)

I did two full coats on each section and ended up doing more touch ups on the edges after it dried.

Then the fun part (this is like Christmas...)

Pull the tape off and see the genius unfold!

Hang your paintings and enjoy!!

Thanks for reading!!

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